Saturday, December 1, 2007

Sex, culture, and the college student

When parents think about the pitfalls of popular culture for their kids, they usually focus on their younger children, the innocent ones for whom it gets harder every day to shield from an onslaught of sexual themes in everything on television and the radio, including the commercials. Throw in the Internet, and it's surround-sound sex… But parents should also worry about their children even as they leave for college, pulling their knees out from under the family table to navigate the world on their own. It's impossible for parents to keep up with the moral atmosphere of most American colleges and universities today. Oftentimes, the "collegiate culture" focuses less on majoring in English literature or theoretical physics and more on free-flowing beer and casual sex…

From Media Research Center president Brent Bozell at (dated February 24, 2006)
Posted to Current World News & Trends February 24, 2006 (US/MO)

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