Saturday, December 1, 2007

'Reunion' of Priests Spurs Talk of Third Temple

What made this blessing at the Western Wall unique was that the service was among the opening ceremonies of the first international Kohen-Levi conference, "The Gathering of the Tribe," held this week in Jerusalem….Members of the Jewish priestly class came from near and far to participate in this unique "family reunion" of the sons of Aaron…[Many] came to learn exactly how to fulfill their divine ancestral duties for when the Third Holy Temple is built…In addition to seminars about purity laws for priests and the correct way to offer the blessing of the Kohanim, experts talked about recent DNA testing that validates the belief that today's Kohanim descend from one man who lived about 3,000 years ago, at the time of the Exodus -- namely, Aaron. Most Ashkenazi and Sephardi Kohanim in the world have a common set of genetic markers indicating their common origin…

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