Friday, May 23, 2008

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Book Says Da Vinci Hid Biblical Images

Was Da Vinci's Mother a Slave?
Rossella Lorenzi, Discovery News

April 9, 2008 -- Leonardo Da Vinci, regarded by many as the greatest genius of the Renaissance, was the son of a humble slave girl and had at least 21 half-siblings, according to compelling new evidence unveiled in Florence, Italy, on Wednesday.

Newly discovered documents published in two books ("Was Leonardo's Mother a Slave?" and "Leonardo's Family Tree," both edited by da Vinci scholars Agnese Sabato and Alessandro Vezzosi) have made it possible to reconstruct da Vinci's little-known family tree.

"Da Vinci's family was indeed a large one. His father Piero married not his mother, but four other women. His mother Caterina was married off to another man and had five children of her own. That's what you would call an enlarged family," Alessandro Vezzosi, director of the Museo Ideale in the Tuscan town of Vinci, told Discovery News.

Very little has been known about da Vinci's mother and the circumstances of his birth. The only account dates to a 1457 tax record in which the artist's grandfather listed the members of his family and briefly described his grandson:

"Lionardo, aged 5, the illegitimate child of Ser Piero and Caterina, who at present is married to Acchattabriga di Piero del Vaccha da Vinci."

Beyond this, scholars had very little to go on. While Ser Piero was easily identified as a Florentine notary, nothing was known about Caterina. As legend has it, she was a peasant girl from Vinci.

Now, 30-year-old research conducted by the late director of the Leonardo Library, published by his son Francesco, suggests a completely different scenario.

"Archival research has shown that there isn't any Caterina in Vinci or nearby villages that can be linked to Ser Piero. The only Caterina in Piero's life seems to be a slave girl who lived in the house of his wealthy friend Vanni di Niccolo di Ser Vanni," Cianchi wrote.

Evidence for "the slave Caterina" comes from Vanni's newly discovered will. The wealthy banker named his friend Ser Piero the executor of his will, and left most of his estate to a religious order. He left the slave girl to his wife Agnola and his Florentine house in via Ghibellina to Ser Piero.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Friday, April 4, 2008

Phone Angelina! There’s a New “Hacker” Around!

Phone Angelina! There’s a New “Hacker” Around!

According to NewsFactor, “AKILL,” otherwise known as 18-year-old Owen Thor Walker, was charged Tuesday for his involvement with a network that is being accused of hacking into 1.3 million computers and skimming millions of dollars from unknowing victims. Hackers like Walker are taking over computers and gathering them into centrally controlled clusters known as “botnets.” Once these clusters are formed, hackers can use the computers to steal credit card information, tweak stock trades, and even crash industry computers.

A crack down on “botnets” has been going on since June of 2007, and eight people have been indicted, pleaded guilty, or have been convicted since then. Another thirteen people have warrants out for their arrests in the United States and overseas.

Walker pleaded guilty to two charges of accessing a computer for dishonest purpose, two charges of accessing computer systems without authorization, one of damaging/interfering with computer systems, and one of possessing software for committing crime, all of which add up to a maximum penalty of several prison terms of up to five years.

Walker had no computer training whatsoever, and also suffers from Aspergers Syndrome. He also received $40,000 for his partaking in the scams, and was responsible for the collapse of a computer server at the University of Pennsylvania. According to, Walker was reportedly bullied at school and left. Sounds like a hacker's remake to me!

What do you think about the new Ryder Mansion?

What do you think about the new Ryder Mansion?

Imagine living in a house like this in just months from now!!! It’s completely possible… You just have to take action and believe you can.

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Thursday, April 3, 2008

Halo Phenomenon (02/04/2008)

Happening in sibu,sarawak.Malaysia Country.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Income Cloner

Make sure to get my $147 Income Cloner DVD… It’s FREE!!!

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Post a comment below… I would love to hear what you have to say about this video :-)

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Determining the price you should charge for your products can be difficult. You don’t want to charge too much or consumers won’t buy it. Yet you don’t want to charge too little or they will view that as your product not being something well made or that offers them quality information.

Having the lowest price out there isn’t necessarily the way to go. This is because you are going to be working hard to build up a solid reputation with your target market. They will come to see the value of what you have to offer that is more than your competition.

It is for that reason that they will be willing to pay more for it. There is peace of mind that comes with buying from someone you can trust. If you have done your part to offer a great product and to show that you are going to stand behind it there is no reason why they won’t pay for it.

With that being said, don’t be afraid to set your price where you think it should be. You will of course need it to be high enough for you to make a profit on each sale. Take the time to crunch numbers so you have a realistic idea of how much it is costing you to produce each item.

You will be surprised at how many people out there are working hard and then not generating very much profit at all. Why? Because their selling price is too close to the cost of producing the product. You want to have as high of a profit margin as you possibly can.

This is something to really think about when you decide what you will be selling. For example if you choose to offer informational products you will mainly have your time involved. You won’t have too much involved in materials. Therefore you can sell this type of product at a decent price with almost all of it being profits.

You may want to test out your prices in order to figure what consumers are going to pay. You can have it offered at two different prices and see which one is getting the most results. You may be surprised though to find it isn’t always the cheaper price that gets the results.

Test out your website as well so you can see where you are losing consumers. If they are taking their time to look around at your site but then leaving it when they see the price you will know that you need to make an adjustment to that price.

Supply and demand are important factors to consider when you are setting prices for your products. If there is a high demand for it but very few people offering it, you can ask more money for it. Consumers will pay the going rate in order to get their hands on it.

Yet there will also be plenty of entrepreneurs out there that decide to sell the same or a similar product. They are able to see the potential for them to make profits as well. Therefore it isn’t going to take long before there is more of the supply that is needed. As a result prices are going to begin to drop.

Should there be more products out there than a demand for them; the prices will be very low. You definitely want to be able to sell products that continue to be in high demand. Try to choose a niche market where you will never have a problem with having a demand for your products.

It is a good idea to have a general ballpark figure of what your competition is charging as well. Yet if you have additional features with your product that they don’t, yours will warrant a higher price. Just make sure you make these additional features known to your customers. That way they will be willing to pay for your product instead of someone else’s.

There are definitely many factors that go into setting your price for your products. You want to be able to offer consumers a good value for what they will get in return. At the same time you will want to ensure you are able to make a good profit. Be flexible with your prices and pay attention to what customers are responding well to.

You will need to conduct your own research of the market to figure out where to start. Don’t be afraid to set your own price though based on what you think you have of value. You also need to consider what you need to make in order to be a profitable business.

There is often a great deal of trial and error that goes into pricing products. If you pay attention to the results of your testing strategies though you will be able to fine tune the cost as you go until you are very happy with the results.

Million Dollar Office

There are plenty of tools out there you can use to manage your business. Yet many people don’t use them because they aren’t sure how. All of the data you collect about your business won’t do you any good if you aren’t able to effectively interpret it.

Testing is one of the main ways to figure out what is working for you and what should be looked at closer. The only way you will be able to determine the value of those tests is by knowing what the responses you get mean. If you are using a software program to assist you with collecting that data then take the time to know how to read the information.

There are no right or wrong tools out there to assist you. The key is to grab a handful of them that can assist you with moving forward. They should readily allow you to see where you are and what you need to do in order to achieve your goals. Be willing to try new tools too so that you can continue to benefit from new features as they become available.

Text Messaging as a Method of Marketing?

Texting has certainly become an extremely popular method of communicating in our society. It has also started to be used by some as a way of marketing their business. However, you need to make sure you have the individuals permission before you start sending materials to their phone.

One way to do so is to give them the chance to include their phone number for text messages when they opt in. Not everyone has texting as an option on their phone. There are many packages that include it though. Yet you don’t want to be sending advertising to a consumer and then they get charged for it. That won’t encourage them to buy what you are selling.

The verdict is still out as to how big text messaging as a method of marketing will become. If you are looking for a way to reach your customers instead of just by email you may want to give it a shot. Since it is still relatively new you can capture the attention of those that will be open to the material coming to them in a new way.

Give your Customers a Voice

All of the marketing tactics you come up with are to allow your customers to hear what you have to say. Yet at the same time you need to make sure you give your customers a voice. As with any relationship, this one will fail if it isn’t a two way street.

There are many different ways you can make sure your customers have a voice. One of the easiest is just to make sure they know how to contact you. Try to have several options available so they can choose the one that is the most convenient for them. If you are offering a newsletter, include questions, comments, and concerns from your customers.

The fact that you are willing to publish such information shows that you really do care what your customers have to say about your business. Chances are they are going to be sharing their feelings with people they know and even on various online sites. It is best that you get that information from them too so that you can make your business the very best.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

How to Use Peter Answers

How to Use Peter Answers
from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Peter answers is a fun little website in which "Peter" appears to read your mind. Use it to prank your friends or to just have a little fun.
  • Visit where there are two text boxes: "Insert Petition" and "Insert Question."
  • Ask your audience for a question. If it's a question you know the answer to, proceed to the next step. If it's a question you don't know the answer to, you can ask them for the answer, telling them that if they say the question and answer out loud, Peter will hear them with his psychic powers. If you don't know the answer, you won't be able to follow the next step, and Peter will answer with a very generic statement like "You shall not doubt of me at all, keep trusting on me and soon I'll answer." In other words, the trick won't work!
  • Enter text into the petition box. The directions tell you to type in either "Peter, please answer the following question:" or "Peter, please answer:" in the petition box. What your audience doesn't know is that you're telling Peter the answer...
    • Note the colon ":" at the end of each of these queries. This is essential because without it, you will not be able to proceed to the question box. Once you type the phrase and enter the colon, your cursor will automatically move to the question box.
    • Instead of typing "Peter, please answer the following question:" or "Peter, please answer:" start off your petition with a period followed by the answer you're looking for. For example, if you intend to ask "Why is wikiHow the best how-to manual ever?" then in the petition box you would type.Because it's a group effort
    • As you type the answer you're looking for, that's not what you will see showing up in the text box. You will see the standard petition being typed, even though you're typing something completely different. Your audience, however, will have their eyes on the screen and will never suspect that you're giving Peter the answer.
    • Your answer should be shorter than one of the standard petitions. When you finish typing the answer, the standard petition will still need to be finished on the screen. In the following screenshot, all that has been typed is ".Because it's a group effort."
    • So, after you type the answer, end it with a period. The period will show up as another character of the petition. After the period, however, anything you type will show up on the screen as you type it. Finish whatever is left of the query and send it off with a colon. In this screenshot, the actual typing was ".Because it's a group effort.owing:"

  • Type in the question. Be sure to end it with a question mark "?". As soon as you enter the question mark, a box will appear with some warnings about privacy. For Peter to answer the question, you'll need to click the "I Accept" button.
  • Watch as Peter thinks for a second and then displays the answer that you typed. If your audience doesn't know that you typed in the answer, they will be flabbergasted. You can probably keep them amazed for quite a while as long as they don't start paying close attention to what your fingers are actually typing.

  • Tips
  • When you're typing in the petition box, it helps to NOT look at the screen, because it can throw you off and make you forget what you're typing. Instead, look down as you type the answer. Only look up after you've typed the period to check how much of the query is finished.
  • Peter is only as accurate as you are, so if you enter a typo, Peter will answer with a typo, and people will get suspicious pretty quickly. If you think you made a mistake, you can backspace and start again at any point. If you delete all of what you entered, remember to enter a period again to signal to Peter that you're entering the answer. But, deleting everything you entered is not a good idea because people will wonder why you're erasing a perfectly good petition.
  • If you're typing a short answer, you can save time by completing only the shorter petition phrase (Peter, please answer:)
  • You can also tell your viewers to stare at the screen so that they can correct any spelling errors that you might make.

  • Warnings
  • Peter will accept and display answers that are longer than the petition phrase, but it will be pretty obvious something is up if you continue to type after the screen displays the entire petition phrase. Nothing more will show up once you've reached the end of the phrase. Once in a while, at the bottom instead of the repeating "Peter answers:..." it will say "Emily answers" or another name. No one knows for sure what happens at that point.
  • As soon as you type a colon ":" the cursor will automatically jump to the question box, even if you haven't finished typing out the petition. This will likely ruin the illusion, so don't accidentally type that colon too soon.

  • Sources and Citations

  • Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Use Peter Answers. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

    Sunday, January 13, 2008


    Her arms crossed in front and she took hold of her shirt by the hem with both hands. A cheeky grin revealed her pleasure. She raised the hem slowly, her narrow waist twisting side to side in deliberate seduction. One breast, covered in powder-blue lace, revealed itself, disappeared momentarily then reappeared, this time with its twin. The shirt climbed higher and higher, eventually sliding over her head and then falling on the carpet. There was no need for an exchange of words; actions and expressions spoke far more eloquently.

    She leaned forward, just a little, pushing her rear out, then resumed, wiggling more provocatively as she slowly pulled her slacks and panties down together. They cleared her creamy buttocks and came to a stop at her upper thighs. She then proceeded to slowly slide the slacks and panties down her long legs until they lay on the floor at her feet.

    She straightened and stepped away from the heap of clothes. Her hand went down to her pubic area, fluffing the soft thatch of hair before her fingers uncurled on their own accord and slid between her dampened petals. The pleasure took her unexpectedly; her eyelids drooped, her head rolled back, and she moaned in her pleasure.

    She shook her head and squinted her nose, giggling at her folly, then grew serious once more. Combing her fingers through her thick curls, she reached back and arching, unsnapped the hook of her bra. The satin straps slid off her round shoulders and she discarded the lacy restrictor with a hearty sigh of liberation.

    She stood naked, her hands falling to her sides. She is aroused. Her breasts tightened and grew heavier, her pink nipples hardening like two bullets. Heat unfurled low in her belly and her breath quickened with desire.

    She is ready to be taken!

    Sensual story

    She was extremely attractive. I was a lucky man. She was slim, had a cheeky smile, long dark brown hair and was slim with small perfect breasts.

    She would simply lie in her favourite blue bikini made of thin silky shinning material that showed her curves so well and couldn't hide her pert hard nipples that could be easily seen pushing the material into little peaks.

    I released the catch of her bikini top and raising herself to her elbows she let it fall forward and I took the straps over her shoulders. Then I pulled down her bikini bottoms and she lifted her tummy so I could slip them off.

    She looked so good with the light glistening on her breasts and her neat pubic patch catching the sunlight. It was so erotic.

    Then spreading a little cream on her tummy she began to massage her breasts, one in each hand in a gentle circular motion as she rubbed in the cream. She would pause now and then at her nipples, which she would spin between her fingers making them stand up like dark hard acorns on her small tits. I could tell by the ever so slight movement in her legs that she was becoming very aroused.

    She rubbed herself like this for three or four minutes and then lay very still, although I could see her chest pounding as the beating of her heart betrayed her excitement. Slowly she sat up, raised herself off the sun bed and walked into the house and into my arms.

    Love, Tess

    Thursday, January 10, 2008