Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Beat Your Stress By Building Your Self Esteem: Part 1

The purpose of this post is to remind you of some scientific facts that are very relevant to an understanding of your self worth.

I promise you if you print out and read the series of articles I have written on self-esteem you will see yourself in a way you never thought possible.

Low self esteem can aggravate many medical conditions and is often a contributing factor and/or side effect of mental illness. It also contributes to social isolation thereby limiting personal growth through adequate social support. Social isolation has been shown to contribute to stress.

Read these scientific facts to enhance your personal identity and beat stress.

You Are Special.

Before life began you were in two parts. One part of you was an egg inside your mother’s womb. The other part was a tiny sperm cell that would fertilise that egg.

Consider the role played by the tiny sperm cell. It was one of millions of sperm cells all trying to get to that egg. There was only one winner. You were the winner!

You managed to get a “berth” on that little multi-cellular space ship that delivered you down to planet earth.

The head of that sperm contained a precious cargo of 23 chromosomes, just as there were 23 in the tiny nucleus of the egg. Each chromosome was composed of jelly-like beads closely strung together. Each bead contained hundreds of genes with your heredity blueprint.

Your mother and father represented the culmination of over two billion years of victory in the battle to survive.

You were born a CHAMPION.

Your were born a champion

You overcame enormous odds to win the gift of life. Every breath that you take; every heartbeat confirms that you are still a winner.

Whatever difficulties life may produce for you to overcome those difficulties will be nowhere near as great as the obstacles that you overcame at your moment of conception.

The population of the earth is estimated to be 7 billion people. The earth is part of a Solar System that has nine planets revolving around a central star called the Sun.

The Sun and the Solar System are part of the Milky Way Galaxy which contains between 200 to 400 billion stars.

The Milky Way Galaxy is only one Galaxy in a known Universe consisting of 500 billion other Galaxies of equivalent size.

There are more stars in the Universe than all the grains of sand on all the beaches and deserts in the world. (There are approximately 10,000 grains in a handful of sand!)

The planets, stars and galaxies have been in a state of birth and death for trillions of centuries.

Even if we destroy this planet there is every likelihood that the Universe will go on forever.

We live between two infinities. On the one hand we have the infinity of outer space and, on the other, the infinity of inner space.

The Atomic World.

Inner space represents the world of atoms, neutrons, protons and beyond.

A typical atom is a universe in itself surrounded by a galaxy of electrons which determine the chemical property of the atom (the difference between the glitter of glass and gold).

Deep inside the atom is the nucleus consisting of protons and neutrons.

If you were to place 100 million atoms end to end then they would occupy the space taken by the word successful.

The nucleus of an atom is 100,000 times smaller still.

Most of the mass of the atom is in the nucleus - atoms consist mainly of empty space.

Theoretically it is possible to keep splitting neutrons and to keep splitting the split neutrons forever and forever.

We live in a context so awesome that our minds are unable to comprehend the distances involved.

Close your eyes for a moment and imagine that you are on a spacecraft moving out into the Universe near the speed of light. Now think of that journey as going on - and on - and on - and on …FOREVER!! Mind boggling isn’t it. That is the context in which we live.

Yet in the midst of all this vastness we are all UNIQUE. Within the context of this infinite forever and before there will only ever be one of you.

You are a one-off. Look around you - you are looking at unique, very special “one-off” human beings. There is a hidden awe in your uniqueness.

No one will ever see or experience the world like you. Your outlook on life may be similar to others but it is, in reality, truly unique.

There is no such thing as identical thought. We all respond to words, sound, images and stimuli in ways that have subtle differences.

For example, if I ask you to write down a visual description of a “cat” then the picture that comes to your mind will be different to the image that other people produce in their minds.

Taking photosHave you ever taken a series of photographs of a person over a 30 minute period? The camera has the capacity to freeze life so that the person appears different from pose to pose. The camera only takes a small slice of life … perhaps 1/250th second. It is the same person, but the life-freeze process of the camera brings out the subtle differences.

You have distinctive and unique physical features. You have a unique set of fingerprints; unique voice patterns; unique hair formations and so on.

You are unique - you are VERY SPECIAL - you are the only one of your kind who will ever exist in the entire history of the Cosmos.

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