Friday, April 30, 2010

Stop Waiting and Take Action To Achieve Your Goals

Do successful people have the genius of supreme achievement by an
accident of birth, a favorable environment or from their own individual
effort? Whatever the reasons, superstars are a different breed. They
must succeed and they will succeed. They have an amazing capacity
to dream big, strive even bigger and come through against all the odds.
Can we learn to become better achievers by looking inside the minds
of the big-time peak performers? Successful people do not wait
for something to happen; they take action to achieve their goals.

Successful people seem to have a make-it-happen way of thinking.
They take it for granted that they will succeed. They act as if it's a
done deal that they will win. They are infectious in their enthusiasm
for a project and enlist others easily to make it become a reality.
They are bursting with positive expectancy that everything will be
a smashing success. A successful person's motto is, "I will get it done."

Successful people take action. They start acting on an idea or plan
quickly and make room in their schedule for tangible, concrete
objectives that take them closer to their goals. They spend time
reflectively, but take action when action is required. They don't
waste time over-planning. They get down to it.

Successful people are often not one hundred percent happy with
their performances. They are not negative about them, but they
are realistic and demanding of themselves and often of those
around them. They continually seek improvement in even the
tiniest areas of their performance and regularly raise the bar as
each new ability level is surmounted. They hold their best all-time
performances as the ideal and seek to rise to that level always.

Successful people typically have superb organizational skills.
Successful individuals know how to break projects down into
manageable sizes. They know that many details placed together
in proper order lead to something big. They spend time planning
and keeping records to show progress and to stay on time
projections. They are in a hurry to succeed, but never rush.

Successful people are decisive. This is a characteristic of all successful
people. They gather information and quickly decide to act on it and
later make changes based on new information. They take advantage
of the windows of opportunities that arise and go for it. They have
confidence that they made the right decision and the confidence
that if they do not they can successfully change gear and recover
for a positive outcome.

Successful people know how to sacrifice to make something happen.
They know they often can't have it all and that they must have singular
focus to succeed. They are good at going into a zone where they are
able to block out all distractions so they can rapidly advance past their
objectives. They deny themselves those things that do not contribute
to making them successful. They know how to be self-disciplined and
stay on track.

The successful love the battle. They love the process. They love the
climb up the ladder. This is what it is all about for many of them. They
are excited pursuing their goals and take extreme pleasure in the
challenge to see what impossible obstacles they can leap on their
way to success. They want stories to tell, bragging rights as part
of the success trophy.

Achieving is a passion of the successful. Meeting objectives and
reaching goals is energizing to top achievers. They can't wait to get
to work and see the results of their efforts. They boost their self-esteem
and self-confidence as they finish a project or task that is highly
satisfying. They pour their entire passion into what they love to
do and complete it with all their energies and enthusiasm.

Some people look at successful people and think that they could never
do what they do. They get discouraged at the gap between what is
and what could be. Other people look to the superstars and are
inspired. They use the superstars as a template or benchmark and
use them as models for what they would like to achieve. They view
them as the best practices and measure themselves against the
successful. Rather than feel discouraged when you see a successful
person let it inspire you to be the same.

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