This post will focus attention on your physical uniqueness.
Low self-esteem can result from focusing too much on how you look on the outside. Once you take a look inside you will be amazed what you discover.
Move your little finger. Wave it in the air. Simple, isn’t it! Yet the world’s most sophisticated computer can’t do that.
The retina of the human eye has about 100,000,000 light-sensitive cells capable of transmitting an impression. The human eye has the capacity to distinguish 340,000 different colours (unfortunately we don’t have names for all of them).
Modern technology cannot produce one single solitary working human eye.
Within each of us a trillion perfect machines carry on the work of a life, a cycle of creation and renewal, an orchestration of tissues and fluids into a functioning body. The machines are called CELLS.
Inside each cell is a nucleus containing tightly packed coils of thread-like molecules called deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA - the carrier of our genetic blueprints.
The strands of DNA in a single human cell are less than a trillionth of an inch thick, but if unravelled would stretch out almost two metres.
DNA has a vivid memory which time does not dim. It stores a vast number of directions and blueprints which it issues at the right time and place to trigger the building of all the cells and structures in the body, make them grow and synchronise their operations at every second during their allocated life.
As you read these words thousands of billions of specks of DNA peppered through your body are carrying out operations essential to your very survival.
DNA basically consists of two intertwined, tape-like coils, connected at bonds at regular intervals - like a spiral staircase.
There is surprising logic in the long, slender form of DNA which gives it a capacity, like magnetic recording tape, for storing all the vast amount of information needed in a lifetime.
The ladder contains a genetic message detailing the blueprint for each individual protein that makes up our complex physical chemistry.
To spell out the blueprint on one single piece of DNA from one single cell in your body would require a set of notes equivalent in size to 490 Telephone Directories!
You Are Awesome.
There is only one word that can adequately describe a human being. That word is Awesome.
Awesome means “to behold with wonder”.
Our reflexes reveal that we have the ability to move our muscles with incredible speed.
Have you ever touched something hot? The pain message reaches the brain in lightning speed and then triggers a muscle movement that removes our finger from the source of heat.
We have an amazing sense of taste. With concentration your taste buds can detect the flavour in one single grain of sugar.
Your mechanical ability is so advanced that you can actually place a grain of sugar on your tongue and then lift it in a majestic balancing act to place it on your teeth where you can proceed to crush and grind it.
(Imagine the technical problems involved in creating a machine with a similar mechanical capacity).
A few grains of salt can also produce a strong taste sensation.
The aroma of perfume or after-shave can set off a chain reaction that affects our entire body occasionally to the point of distraction.
Our noses can detect between two and ten thousand different smells.
A tiny splinter, no longer than half a millimetre can cause us considerable discomfort if it happens to lodge itself under our finger nail.
The average person can run their hand across an apparently smooth surface and detect projections 1/2,500th of a millimetre high.
If all the veins, all the arteries and all of the tiny capillaries in your body were stretched out into one continuous straight line then the length would be sufficient to circle the earth at the Equator twice.To make an artificial placenta that could supply all the nutrients and remove all the wastes from a developing embryo would, it has been calculated, require the equivalent in cost and complexity to building a small oil refinery.
Every word that you speak requires the co-ordination of 72 muscle movements. (Little wonder that politicians have sagging faces!).
Occasionally we read that the chemicals which constitute the human body cost about $12.
But our bodies are much more complex than the raw chemicals that make us the awesome
physical machines that we really are.
It is the molecular arrangement of the human body that gives it its unique qualities. It has been calculated that it would take $ 20 million to buy the correct molecular constituents from chemical supply houses to make up one human being.
But even then we could not mix those chemicals together and have a human being emerge from the jar.
Your body is an awesome complex machine.