A man stares into a mirror. He sees his own reflection. A tear forms in his eye as he looks at himself. A glance further puts fear in him and his eyes swell with tears. He sees...
He sees a child. Young and free and embracing all that the warm world has to give.
He sees a loving family. A Mother and Father and two siblings.
He sees the emotion and love within the family domain and can bright lights all around them.
He sees the boy start to grow and things start to change around him.
He sees the family falling apart and all within it starting to head different paths.
He sees the siblings rival each other and begin to fade away from each other.
He sees his parents lose control and lose the attention that the children need.
He sees the boy begin to find friends of a bad nature and fall to a world of crime to gain attention.
The man blinks as tears fall. He looks deeper into himself and sees more...
He sees the Mother and Father fade into a depression and it leads them to separation and divorce.
He sees the pain felt by all the children and the hurt that will forever taint them.
He sees a family that was once so loving and how it has been drowned in the depths of despair.
He sees every family member apart from one another and how they try so hard to survive alone.
The man falls to his knees but keeps his steady stare into the mirror. As his tears begin to vanish he shows signs of anger. He views much more deeply...
He sees the boy has lead a life of crime trying to gain a bit of attention but only gaining that of the law.
He sees the boy in and out of trouble, as well as, in and out of jail.
He sees lots of fighting, stealing, and corruption being dealt from the boy.
He sees what was once a happy child, is now a bad teenager out in rebellion.
The man stands again and as his eyes dry up he sees a vision that knocks him back down to the floor...
He sees a tragedy so intense that he changes inside and now knows he will never be the same.
He sees the Mother, whom was loved more than life, fall into the dark sleep.
He sees the once bright world turn into a grey place with lots of shadows.
He sees the young man change deep inside and grow a hatred for the world and all within it.
He sees the loss of the young man's Mother as a turning point from the sane to the insane.
The man gets back up off the floor and tries to focus. He gets closer to the mirror and gazes far into his eyes...
He sees drugs, drinking, and all night parties as the boy tries to end it all.
He sees a road of crime become worse and more bloodshed spilled as the young man goes day by day.
He sees women come and go in and out of the young man's life and how none of them came tame him.
He sees friends and family hurt by his actions and how he cares not about them but only for himself.
He sees a new vision within the boys eyes and how dark the things around him are becoming.
He sees the boy enter a coven and become seduced to the dark side of life and all the warmth it holds.
The man now stares with angry eyes at the mirror. As he reflects back he feels unstable...
He sees how the young child grew from loving the world to hating it for taking his Mother and destroying his family.
He sees the man struggle through life doing all he can to live but praying for death.
The man now stands tall. He looks as deeply as he can and sees all that he can see...
He sees the many stages of the boy's life and the roads the boy took. He watches the many reflections of light that have changed all through the boys life.
He sees Bright lights. He sees the bright lights turn to a normal light. He sees the normal light turn to a dim light. He sees the dim light turn to no light. He sees no light turn to a darkened haze. He sees these as stages of the boys life and with his final view deep within his reflection...
He sees...
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